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impman79 May 21, 2022 | 0

In the Set Jetting in Tirol: St. Anton am Arlberg (English version) video, it is said that she wore a ski coloured body suit for her nude scene in chalet girl.

ThatOneGuy Dec 19, 2017 | 1

What a beauty... Star Wars brought me here lol.

FistFuckFamilyCBT Nov 19, 2017 | -1

She is so fucking beautiful. She’s a fucking pretty lady. So fucking flawless... drop dead gorgeous...

JustStuffJR2 Dec 22, 2016 | 0

I Have been trying to upload new photos of her but every time i do and i publish them and then click "update" button the pictures just disappear. i also left it for a while and they still do not appear. My points also reset back to 0. Any ideas

Aug 13, 2016 | 0


cookiemaster Aug 21, 2014 | 5

She is nude in Servants only.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Chalet Girl
impman79 Jun 3, 2021 | 0

The end bit where you see Felicity Jones standing naked in the snow very likely used visual effects to make her look naked.I don't see a reality in which felicity jones stands completely naked in the snow while wet in below freezing temperature to perform that bit in the film(the below freezing part is not me exaggerating).That bit is way too uncomfortable on it's own for her to also perform it completely naked when they could very easily use vfx to make her look completely naked in post production. Also another reason I think this bit is not entirely real is because Ken Duken(the actor at the scene) seems to have used special effects to make himself look naked too.If you really believed he threw tons of snow on his naked groin area(which would be extremely painful if it were true), then I am sorry to disappoint you. There are a couple of frames when Ken Duken jumps into the water where you can see between his legs and there seems to be no penis there.Also the way he holds his hands in front of his penis does make it look like he has a unusually small penis.I've seen this scene in higher quality(so no need to tell me I should do that) and this would be very unusual unless it was done with vfx in post.Anyway considering that they faked nudity for Ken Duken(you can find higher quality footage of this scene and can see for yourself if you don't believe me), I don't see how they wouldn't do something like that for Felicity Jones at the end considering that bit is similarly uncomfortable. Sorry for the excessive rambling, but I am surprised how people believe everything they see in films.I should clarify that this excessively long comment does not mean a lot of the nudity you see in films is faked.If a nude scene does not use a body double, then it is safe to assume that it is the actress that you are really seeing naked.However, it's also unrealistic to assume that there are no exceptions to this rule.Sometimes there are situations where it is too uncomfortable to have actors nude for specific shots and thus vfx is employed.Examples of this are Dakota Fanning and Elizabeth Olsen nude scene in very good girls where they were wearing bikinis on beach while they were filming but in the film the bikinis were digitally removed.Another example would be Nicole Kidman in strangeland where she was wearing briefs and a bra on set while filming but in the film that was a full frontal nude scene. Anyway, long story short, you shouldn't believe everything you see in films.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Chalet Girl
Martbox Jun 4, 2021 | 0

Even though I want to believe this is true, I do agree with you that this has probably been faked.The last shots seem too hardcore for me to imagine that both the filmmakers and the actress agreed to shoot it for real even though they could simply cgi the nudity in post.If the last shots are for real than she deserves some kind of award for her extreme dedication but I doubt it.Also after seeing the start of scene with scrutiny,I can not unsee the fact that ken does not do a good job of pretending he is covering his dick. When he is falling in the water, there is a frame or two where you can see between between his legs and there is nothing there.He also puts his hand way too close to his groin region which would definitely suggest that he has a microscopic dick if it weren't for cgi to be an option.Though that would be hilarious if it were true.It is like you said safe to assume that they would be willing to cgi the last shots for felicity if they were willing to do that for ken as they both demand too much from the actors. I would advise you to write a less aggressive and confrontational comment next time though since this comes off a bit rude especially since we are talking about actors faking nudity.There is no need to get this aggressive about such a silly thing.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Chalet Girl
impman79 Jun 4, 2021 | 0

I do sound very patronising now that I have read my overly long comment myself.Apologies if I came across that way.I'll try to come across less like a dick next time.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Chalet Girl
Martbox Jun 5, 2021 | 0

No problem.Also no need to worry about the size of your comment.I don't think anyone cares

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Chalet Girl
impman79 Jun 3, 2021 | 1

Apologies for the same comment over and over again.Something went wrong with the site when I pressed post and it just posted my comment repeatedly.Hopefully no one minds this too much.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Chalet Girl
impman79 Jun 3, 2021 | 0

The end bit where you see Felicity Jones standing naked in the snow very likely used visual effects to make her look naked.I don't see a reality in which felicity jones stands completely naked in the snow while wet in below freezing temperature to perform that bit in the film(the below freezing part is not me exaggerating).That bit is way too uncomfortable on it's own for her to also perform it completely naked when they could very easily use vfx to make her look completely naked in post production. Also another reason I think this bit is not entirely real is because Ken Duken(the actor at the scene) seems to have used special effects to make himself look naked too.If you really believed he threw tons of snow on his naked groin area(which would be extremely painful if it were true), then I am sorry to disappoint you. There are a couple of frames when Ken Duken jumps into the water where you can see between his legs and there seems to be no penis there.Also the way he holds his hands in front of his penis does make it look like he has a unusually small penis.I've seen this scene in higher quality(so no need to tell me I should do that) and this would be very unusual unless it was done with vfx in post.Anyway considering that they faked nudity for Ken Duken(you can find higher quality footage of this scene and can see for yourself if you don't believe me), I don't see how they wouldn't do something like that for Felicity Jones at the end considering that bit is similarly uncomfortable. Sorry for the excessive rambling, but I am surprised how people believe everything they see in films.I should clarify that this excessively long comment does not mean a lot of the nudity you see in films is faked.If a nude scene does not use a body double, then it is safe to assume that it is the actress that you are really seeing naked.However, it's also unrealistic to assume that there are no exceptions to this rule.Sometimes there are situations where it is too uncomfortable to have actors nude for specific shots and thus vfx is employed.Examples of this are Dakota Fanning and Elizabeth Olsen nude scene in very good girls where they were wearing bikinis on beach while they were filming but in the film the bikinis were digitally removed.Another example would be Nicole Kidman in strangeland where she was wearing briefs and a bra on set while filming but in the film that was a full frontal nude scene. Anyway, long story short, you shouldn't believe everything you see in films.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Chalet Girl
impman79 Jun 3, 2021 | 0

The end bit where you see Felicity Jones standing naked in the snow very likely used visual effects to make her look naked.I don't see a reality in which felicity jones stands completely naked in the snow while wet in below freezing temperature to perform that bit in the film(the below freezing part is not me exaggerating).That bit is way too uncomfortable on it's own for her to also perform it completely naked when they could very easily use vfx to make her look completely naked in post production. Also another reason I think this bit is not entirely real is because Ken Duken(the actor at the scene) seems to have used special effects to make himself look naked too.If you really believed he threw tons of snow on his naked groin area(which would be extremely painful if it were true), then I am sorry to disappoint you. There are a couple of frames when Ken Duken jumps into the water where you can see between his legs and there seems to be no penis there.Also the way he holds his hands in front of his penis does make it look like he has a unusually small penis.I've seen this scene in higher quality(so no need to tell me I should do that) and this would be very unusual unless it was done with vfx in post.Anyway considering that they faked nudity for Ken Duken(you can find higher quality footage of this scene and can see for yourself if you don't believe me), I don't see how they wouldn't do something like that for Felicity Jones at the end considering that bit is similarly uncomfortable. Sorry for the excessive rambling, but I am surprised how people believe everything they see in films.I should clarify that this excessively long comment does not mean a lot of the nudity you see in films is faked.If a nude scene does not use a body double, then it is safe to assume that it is the actress that you are really seeing naked.However, it's also unrealistic to assume that there are no exceptions to this rule.Sometimes there are situations where it is too uncomfortable to have actors nude for specific shots and thus vfx is employed.Examples of this are Dakota Fanning and Elizabeth Olsen nude scene in very good girls where they were wearing bikinis on beach while they were filming but in the film the bikinis were digitally removed.Another example would be Nicole Kidman in strangeland where she was wearing briefs and a bra on set while filming but in the film that was a full frontal nude scene. Anyway, long story short, you shouldn't believe everything you see in films.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Chalet Girl
impman79 Jun 3, 2021 | 0

The end bit where you see Felicity Jones standing naked in the snow very likely used visual effects to make her look naked.I don't see a reality in which felicity jones stands completely naked in the snow while wet in below freezing temperature to perform that bit in the film(the below freezing part is not me exaggerating).That bit is way too uncomfortable on it's own for her to also perform it completely naked when they could very easily use vfx to make her look completely naked in post production. Also another reason I think this bit is not entirely real is because Ken Duken(the actor at the scene) seems to have used special effects to make himself look naked too.If you really believed he threw tons of snow on his naked groin area(which would be extremely painful if it were true), then I am sorry to disappoint you. There are a couple of frames when Ken Duken jumps into the water where you can see between his legs and there seems to be no penis there.Also the way he holds his hands in front of his penis does make it look like he has a unusually small penis.I've seen this scene in higher quality(so no need to tell me I should do that) and this would be very unusual unless it was done with vfx in post.Anyway considering that they faked nudity for Ken Duken(you can find higher quality footage of this scene and can see for yourself if you don't believe me), I don't see how they wouldn't do something like that for Felicity Jones at the end considering that bit is similarly uncomfortable. Sorry for the excessive rambling, but I am surprised how people believe everything they see in films.I should clarify that this excessively long comment does not mean a lot of the nudity you see in films is faked.If a nude scene does not use a body double, then it is safe to assume that it is the actress that you are really seeing naked.However, it's also unrealistic to assume that there are no exceptions to this rule.Sometimes there are situations where it is too uncomfortable to have actors nude for specific shots and thus vfx is employed.Examples of this are Dakota Fanning and Elizabeth Olsen nude scene in very good girls where they were wearing bikinis on beach while they were filming but in the film the bikinis were digitally removed.Another example would be Nicole Kidman in strangeland where she was wearing briefs and a bra on set while filming but in the film that was a full frontal nude scene. Anyway, long story short, you shouldn't believe everything you see in films.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Chalet Girl
impman79 Jun 3, 2021 | 0

The end bit where you see Felicity Jones standing naked in the snow very likely used visual effects to make her look naked.I don't see a reality in which felicity jones stands completely naked in the snow while wet in below freezing temperature to perform that bit in the film(the below freezing part is not me exaggerating).That bit is way too uncomfortable on it's own for her to also perform it completely naked when they could very easily use vfx to make her look completely naked in post production. Also another reason I think this bit is not entirely real is because Ken Duken(the actor at the scene) seems to have used special effects to make himself look naked too.If you really believed he threw tons of snow on his naked groin area(which would be extremely painful if it were true), then I am sorry to disappoint you. There are a couple of frames when Ken Duken jumps into the water where you can see between his legs and there seems to be no penis there.Also the way he holds his hands in front of his penis does make it look like he has a unusually small penis.I've seen this scene in higher quality(so no need to tell me I should do that) and this would be very unusual unless it was done with vfx in post.Anyway considering that they faked nudity for Ken Duken(you can find higher quality footage of this scene and can see for yourself if you don't believe me), I don't see how they wouldn't do something like that for Felicity Jones at the end considering that bit is similarly uncomfortable. Sorry for the excessive rambling, but I am surprised how people believe everything they see in films.I should clarify that this excessively long comment does not mean a lot of the nudity you see in films is faked.If a nude scene does not use a body double, then it is safe to assume that it is the actress that you are really seeing naked.However, it's also unrealistic to assume that there are no exceptions to this rule.Sometimes there are situations where it is too uncomfortable to have actors nude for specific shots and thus vfx is employed.Examples of this are Dakota Fanning and Elizabeth Olsen nude scene in very good girls where they were wearing bikinis on beach while they were filming but in the film the bikinis were digitally removed.Another example would be Nicole Kidman in strangeland where she was wearing briefs and a bra on set while filming but in the film that was a full frontal nude scene. Anyway, long story short, you shouldn't believe everything you see in films.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Chalet Girl
impman79 Jun 3, 2021 | 0

The end bit where you see Felicity Jones standing naked in the snow very likely used visual effects to make her look naked.I don't see a reality in which felicity jones stands completely naked in the snow while wet in below freezing temperature to perform that bit in the film(the below freezing part is not me exaggerating).That bit is way too uncomfortable on it's own for her to also perform it completely naked when they could very easily use vfx to make her look completely naked in post production. Also another reason I think this bit is not entirely real is because Ken Duken(the actor at the scene) seems to have used special effects to make himself look naked too.If you really believed he threw tons of snow on his naked groin area(which would be extremely painful if it were true), then I am sorry to disappoint you. There are a couple of frames when Ken Duken jumps into the water where you can see between his legs and there seems to be no penis there.Also the way he holds his hands in front of his penis does make it look like he has a unusually small penis.I've seen this scene in higher quality(so no need to tell me I should do that) and this would be very unusual unless it was done with vfx in post.Anyway considering that they faked nudity for Ken Duken(you can find higher quality footage of this scene and can see for yourself if you don't believe me), I don't see how they wouldn't do something like that for Felicity Jones at the end considering that bit is similarly uncomfortable. Sorry for the excessive rambling, but I am surprised how people believe everything they see in films.I should clarify that this excessively long comment does not mean a lot of the nudity you see in films is faked.If a nude scene does not use a body double, then it is safe to assume that it is the actress that you are really seeing naked.However, it's also unrealistic to assume that there are no exceptions to this rule.Sometimes there are situations where it is too uncomfortable to have actors nude for specific shots and thus vfx is employed.Examples of this are Dakota Fanning and Elizabeth Olsen nude scene in very good girls where they were wearing bikinis on beach while they were filming but in the film the bikinis were digitally removed.Another example would be Nicole Kidman in strangeland where she was wearing briefs and a bra on set while filming but in the film that was a full frontal nude scene. Anyway, long story short, you shouldn't believe everything you see in films.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Chalet Girl
impman79 Jun 3, 2021 | 0

The end bit where you see Felicity Jones standing naked in the snow very likely used visual effects to make her look naked.I don't see a reality in which felicity jones stands completely naked in the snow while wet in below freezing temperature to perform that bit in the film(the below freezing part is not me exaggerating).That bit is way too uncomfortable on it's own for her to also perform it completely naked when they could very easily use vfx to make her look completely naked in post production. Also another reason I think this bit is not entirely real is because Ken Duken(the actor at the scene) seems to have used special effects to make himself look naked too.If you really believed he threw tons of snow on his naked groin area(which would be extremely painful if it were true), then I am sorry to disappoint you. There are a couple of frames when Ken Duken jumps into the water where you can see between his legs and there seems to be no penis there.Also the way he holds his hands in front of his penis does make it look like he has a unusually small penis.I've seen this scene in higher quality(so no need to tell me I should do that) and this would be very unusual unless it was done with vfx in post.Anyway considering that they faked nudity for Ken Duken(you can find higher quality footage of this scene and can see for yourself if you don't believe me), I don't see how they wouldn't do something like that for Felicity Jones at the end considering that bit is similarly uncomfortable. Sorry for the excessive rambling, but I am surprised how people believe everything they see in films.I should clarify that this excessively long comment does not mean a lot of the nudity you see in films is faked.If a nude scene does not use a body double, then it is safe to assume that it is the actress that you are really seeing naked.However, it's also unrealistic to assume that there are no exceptions to this rule.Sometimes there are situations where it is too uncomfortable to have actors nude for specific shots and thus vfx is employed.Examples of this are Dakota Fanning and Elizabeth Olsen nude scene in very good girls where they were wearing bikinis on beach while they were filming but in the film the bikinis were digitally removed.Another example would be Nicole Kidman in strangeland where she was wearing briefs and a bra on set while filming but in the film that was a full frontal nude scene. Anyway, long story short, you shouldn't believe everything you see in films.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Chalet Girl
impman79 Jun 3, 2021 | 0

The end bit where you see Felicity Jones standing naked in the snow very likely used visual effects to make her look naked.I don't see a reality in which felicity jones stands completely naked in the snow while wet in below freezing temperature to perform that bit in the film(the below freezing part is not me exaggerating).That bit is way too uncomfortable on it's own for her to also perform it completely naked when they could very easily use vfx to make her look completely naked in post production. Also another reason I think this bit is not entirely real is because Ken Duken(the actor at the scene) seems to have used special effects to make himself look naked too.If you really believed he threw tons of snow on his naked groin area(which would be extremely painful if it were true), then I am sorry to disappoint you. There are a couple of frames when Ken Duken jumps into the water where you can see between his legs and there seems to be no penis there.Also the way he holds his hands in front of his penis does make it look like he has a unusually small penis.I've seen this scene in higher quality(so no need to tell me I should do that) and this would be very unusual unless it was done with vfx in post.Anyway considering that they faked nudity for Ken Duken(you can find higher quality footage of this scene and can see for yourself if you don't believe me), I don't see how they wouldn't do something like that for Felicity Jones at the end considering that bit is similarly uncomfortable. Sorry for the excessive rambling, but I am surprised how people believe everything they see in films.I should clarify that this excessively long comment does not mean a lot of the nudity you see in films is faked.If a nude scene does not use a body double, then it is safe to assume that it is the actress that you are really seeing naked.However, it's also unrealistic to assume that there are no exceptions to this rule.Sometimes there are situations where it is too uncomfortable to have actors nude for specific shots and thus vfx is employed.Examples of this are Dakota Fanning and Elizabeth Olsen nude scene in very good girls where they were wearing bikinis on beach while they were filming but in the film the bikinis were digitally removed.Another example would be Nicole Kidman in strangeland where she was wearing briefs and a bra on set while filming but in the film that was a full frontal nude scene. Anyway, long story short, you shouldn't believe everything you see in films.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Chalet Girl
impman79 Jun 3, 2021 | 0

The end bit where you see Felicity Jones standing naked in the snow very likely used visual effects to make her look naked.I don't see a reality in which felicity jones stands completely naked in the snow while wet in below freezing temperature to perform that bit in the film(the below freezing part is not me exaggerating).That bit is way too uncomfortable on it's own for her to also perform it completely naked when they could very easily use vfx to make her look completely naked in post production. Also another reason I think this bit is not entirely real is because Ken Duken(the actor at the scene) seems to have used special effects to make himself look naked too.If you really believed he threw tons of snow on his naked groin area(which would be extremely painful if it were true), then I am sorry to disappoint you. There are a couple of frames when Ken Duken jumps into the water where you can see between his legs and there seems to be no penis there.Also the way he holds his hands in front of his penis does make it look like he has a unusually small penis.I've seen this scene in higher quality(so no need to tell me I should do that) and this would be very unusual unless it was done with vfx in post.Anyway considering that they faked nudity for Ken Duken(you can find higher quality footage of this scene and can see for yourself if you don't believe me), I don't see how they wouldn't do something like that for Felicity Jones at the end considering that bit is similarly uncomfortable. Sorry for the excessive rambling, but I am surprised how people believe everything they see in films.I should clarify that this excessively long comment does not mean a lot of the nudity you see in films is faked.If a nude scene does not use a body double, then it is safe to assume that it is the actress that you are really seeing naked.However, it's also unrealistic to assume that there are no exceptions to this rule.Sometimes there are situations where it is too uncomfortable to have actors nude for specific shots and thus vfx is employed.Examples of this are Dakota Fanning and Elizabeth Olsen nude scene in very good girls where they were wearing bikinis on beach while they were filming but in the film the bikinis were digitally removed.Another example would be Nicole Kidman in strangeland where she was wearing briefs and a bra on set while filming but in the film that was a full frontal nude scene. Anyway, long story short, you shouldn't believe everything you see in films.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Chalet Girl
impman79 Jun 3, 2021 | 0

The end bit where you see Felicity Jones standing naked in the snow very likely used visual effects to make her look naked.I don't see a reality in which felicity jones stands completely naked in the snow while wet in below freezing temperature to perform that bit in the film(the below freezing part is not me exaggerating).That bit is way too uncomfortable on it's own for her to also perform it completely naked when they could very easily use vfx to make her look completely naked in post production. Also another reason I think this bit is not entirely real is because Ken Duken(the actor at the scene) seems to have used special effects to make himself look naked too.If you really believed he threw tons of snow on his naked groin area(which would be extremely painful if it were true), then I am sorry to disappoint you. There are a couple of frames when Ken Duken jumps into the water where you can see between his legs and there seems to be no penis there.Also the way he holds his hands in front of his penis does make it look like he has a unusually small penis.I've seen this scene in higher quality(so no need to tell me I should do that) and this would be very unusual unless it was done with vfx in post.Anyway considering that they faked nudity for Ken Duken(you can find higher quality footage of this scene and can see for yourself if you don't believe me), I don't see how they wouldn't do something like that for Felicity Jones at the end considering that bit is similarly uncomfortable. Sorry for the excessive rambling, but I am surprised how people believe everything they see in films.I should clarify that this excessively long comment does not mean a lot of the nudity you see in films is faked.If a nude scene does not use a body double, then it is safe to assume that it is the actress that you are really seeing naked.However, it's also unrealistic to assume that there are no exceptions to this rule.Sometimes there are situations where it is too uncomfortable to have actors nude for specific shots and thus vfx is employed.Examples of this are Dakota Fanning and Elizabeth Olsen nude scene in very good girls where they were wearing bikinis on beach while they were filming but in the film the bikinis were digitally removed.Another example would be Nicole Kidman in strangeland where she was wearing briefs and a bra on set while filming but in the film that was a full frontal nude scene. Anyway, long story short, you shouldn't believe everything you see in films.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Chalet Girl
impman79 Jun 3, 2021 | 0

The end bit where you see Felicity Jones standing naked in the snow very likely used visual effects to make her look naked.I don't see a reality in which felicity jones stands completely naked in the snow while wet in below freezing temperature to perform that bit in the film(the below freezing part is not me exaggerating).That bit is way too uncomfortable on it's own for her to also perform it completely naked when they could very easily use vfx to make her look completely naked in post production. Also another reason I think this bit is not entirely real is because Ken Duken(the actor at the scene) seems to have used special effects to make himself look naked too.If you really believed he threw tons of snow on his naked groin area(which would be extremely painful if it were true), then I am sorry to disappoint you. There are a couple of frames when Ken Duken jumps into the water where you can see between his legs and there seems to be no penis there.Also the way he holds his hands in front of his penis does make it look like he has a unusually small penis.I've seen this scene in higher quality(so no need to tell me I should do that) and this would be very unusual unless it was done with vfx in post.Anyway considering that they faked nudity for Ken Duken(you can find higher quality footage of this scene and can see for yourself if you don't believe me), I don't see how they wouldn't do something like that for Felicity Jones at the end considering that bit is similarly uncomfortable. Sorry for the excessive rambling, but I am surprised how people believe everything they see in films.I should clarify that this excessively long comment does not mean a lot of the nudity you see in films is faked.If a nude scene does not use a body double, then it is safe to assume that it is the actress that you are really seeing naked.However, it's also unrealistic to assume that there are no exceptions to this rule.Sometimes there are situations where it is too uncomfortable to have actors nude for specific shots and thus vfx is employed.Examples of this are Dakota Fanning and Elizabeth Olsen nude scene in very good girls where they were wearing bikinis on beach while they were filming but in the film the bikinis were digitally removed.Another example would be Nicole Kidman in strangeland where she was wearing briefs and a bra on set while filming but in the film that was a full frontal nude scene. Anyway, long story short, you shouldn't believe everything you see in films.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Chalet Girl
impman79 Jun 3, 2021 | 0

The end bit where you see Felicity Jones standing naked in the snow very likely used visual effects to make her look naked.I don't see a reality in which felicity jones stands completely naked in the snow while wet in below freezing temperature to perform that bit in the film(the below freezing part is not me exaggerating).That bit is way too uncomfortable on it's own for her to also perform it completely naked when they could very easily use vfx to make her look completely naked in post production. Also another reason I think this bit is not entirely real is because Ken Duken(the actor at the scene) seems to have used special effects to make himself look naked too.If you really believed he threw tons of snow on his naked groin area(which would be extremely painful if it were true), then I am sorry to disappoint you. There are a couple of frames when Ken Duken jumps into the water where you can see between his legs and there seems to be no penis there.Also the way he holds his hands in front of his penis does make it look like he has a unusually small penis.I've seen this scene in higher quality(so no need to tell me I should do that) and this would be very unusual unless it was done with vfx in post.Anyway considering that they faked nudity for Ken Duken(you can find higher quality footage of this scene and can see for yourself if you don't believe me), I don't see how they wouldn't do something like that for Felicity Jones at the end considering that bit is similarly uncomfortable. Sorry for the excessive rambling, but I am surprised how people believe everything they see in films.I should clarify that this excessively long comment does not mean a lot of the nudity you see in films is faked.If a nude scene does not use a body double, then it is safe to assume that it is the actress that you are really seeing naked.However, it's also unrealistic to assume that there are no exceptions to this rule.Sometimes there are situations where it is too uncomfortable to have actors nude for specific shots and thus vfx is employed.Examples of this are Dakota Fanning and Elizabeth Olsen nude scene in very good girls where they were wearing bikinis on beach while they were filming but in the film the bikinis were digitally removed.Another example would be Nicole Kidman in strangeland where she was wearing briefs and a bra on set while filming but in the film that was a full frontal nude scene. Anyway, long story short, you shouldn't believe everything you see in films.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Chalet Girl
impman79 Jun 3, 2021 | 0

The end bit where you see Felicity Jones standing naked in the snow very likely used visual effects to make her look naked.I don't see a reality in which felicity jones stands completely naked in the snow while wet in below freezing temperature to perform that bit in the film(the below freezing part is not me exaggerating).That bit is way too uncomfortable on it's own for her to also perform it completely naked when they could very easily use vfx to make her look completely naked in post production. Also another reason I think this bit is not entirely real is because Ken Duken(the actor at the scene) seems to have used special effects to make himself look naked too.If you really believed he threw tons of snow on his naked groin area(which would be extremely painful if it were true), then I am sorry to disappoint you. There are a couple of frames when Ken Duken jumps into the water where you can see between his legs and there seems to be no penis there.Also the way he holds his hands in front of his penis does make it look like he has a unusually small penis.I've seen this scene in higher quality(so no need to tell me I should do that) and this would be very unusual unless it was done with vfx in post.Anyway considering that they faked nudity for Ken Duken(you can find higher quality footage of this scene and can see for yourself if you don't believe me), I don't see how they wouldn't do something like that for Felicity Jones at the end considering that bit is similarly uncomfortable. Sorry for the excessive rambling, but I am surprised how people believe everything they see in films.I should clarify that this excessively long comment does not mean a lot of the nudity you see in films is faked.If a nude scene does not use a body double, then it is safe to assume that it is the actress that you are really seeing naked.However, it's also unrealistic to assume that there are no exceptions to this rule.Sometimes there are situations where it is too uncomfortable to have actors nude for specific shots and thus vfx is employed.Examples of this are Dakota Fanning and Elizabeth Olsen nude scene in very good girls where they were wearing bikinis on beach while they were filming but in the film the bikinis were digitally removed.Another example would be Nicole Kidman in strangeland where she was wearing briefs and a bra on set while filming but in the film that was a full frontal nude scene. Anyway, long story short, you shouldn't believe everything you see in films.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Chalet Girl
impman79 Jun 3, 2021 | 0

The end bit where you see Felicity Jones standing naked in the snow very likely used visual effects to make her look naked.I don't see a reality in which felicity jones stands completely naked in the snow while wet in below freezing temperature to perform that bit in the film(the below freezing part is not me exaggerating).That bit is way too uncomfortable on it's own for her to also perform it completely naked when they could very easily use vfx to make her look completely naked in post production. Also another reason I think this bit is not entirely real is because Ken Duken(the actor at the scene) seems to have used special effects to make himself look naked too.If you really believed he threw tons of snow on his naked groin area(which would be extremely painful if it were true), then I am sorry to disappoint you. There are a couple of frames when Ken Duken jumps into the water where you can see between his legs and there seems to be no penis there.Also the way he holds his hands in front of his penis does make it look like he has a unusually small penis.I've seen this scene in higher quality(so no need to tell me I should do that) and this would be very unusual unless it was done with vfx in post.Anyway considering that they faked nudity for Ken Duken(you can find higher quality footage of this scene and can see for yourself if you don't believe me), I don't see how they wouldn't do something like that for Felicity Jones at the end considering that bit is similarly uncomfortable. Sorry for the excessive rambling, but I am surprised how people believe everything they see in films.I should clarify that this excessively long comment does not mean a lot of the nudity you see in films is faked.If a nude scene does not use a body double, then it is safe to assume that it is the actress that you are really seeing naked.However, it's also unrealistic to assume that there are no exceptions to this rule.Sometimes there are situations where it is too uncomfortable to have actors nude for specific shots and thus vfx is employed.Examples of this are Dakota Fanning and Elizabeth Olsen nude scene in very good girls where they were wearing bikinis on beach while they were filming but in the film the bikinis were digitally removed.Another example would be Nicole Kidman in strangeland where she was wearing briefs and a bra on set while filming but in the film that was a full frontal nude scene. Anyway, long story short, you shouldn't believe everything you see in films.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Servants
impman79 Jun 3, 2021 | 0

The person in the long range footage is a body double. You can clearly see that her breasts are considerably larger in the long range footage compared to the footage after that where you can see that her breasts are pretty small.Therefore I won't really consider this a nude scene as we only get to see some side boob from her(she is wearing pasties too if anyone was wondering). Hopefully one day she will do a proper nude scene that doesn't use a body double.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Servants
al112 Nov 4, 2018 | 0

The only proper nude/topless she has ever done.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Servants
impman79 Jun 3, 2021 | 0

The person in the long range footage is a body double. You can clearly see that her breasts are considerably larger in the long range footage compared to the footage after that where you can see that her breasts are pretty small.Therefore I won't really consider this a nude scene as we only get to see some side boob from her(she is wearing pasties too if anyone was wondering). Hopefully one day she will do a proper nude scene that doesn't use a body double.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Servants
al112 Jun 4, 2021 | 0

Huh.. how do you know?

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Servants
dandycool Jul 4, 2022 | 0

Always check rather than playing Sherlock, no BD

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Servants
impman79 Jun 4, 2021 | 0

You can see it yourself in the pictures above.You just need to compare them.It isn't too hard considering she is quite busty in the long range footage.

Comment from appearance: Naked Felicity Jones in Servants
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